1-on-1 Sound Healing

an experience just for you

What is Sound Healing?

Sound Healing is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies using Himalayan bowls, Drums, Crystal Bowls, Gongs, Chimes, the Voice, and other instruments with the intention of bringing mind, body, emotions and soul into a state of health and harmony. The sounds can create an immersive experience that takes you to a deep place of peace, releases blocked or stuck energy, or helps to release physical tension and pain. Each person's experience can vary and is unique.

How does Sound Healing Work?

Science holds the view that we are all energetic beings with our own resonant vibratory frequency. Connecting with sound is a multi-sensory experience that we can hear, feel, see, etc. Every cell in our body emits a frequency and every organ in our body has a frequency that vibrates in optimum health when all systems in the body are balanced, but when we are not well, the resonance in the body is discordant and we experience "stress" which can led to illness on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. When we are not well, we often describe this as "feeling off-key" or "out of tune". When we are in health and feeling well, we feel "in sync" and in harmony. It often has a clarifying and releasing effect and people often say they feel light, relaxed and uplifted afterwards.

Sound has an effect on our brainwaves, the application of sound healing changes brainwave patterns, shifting them from the normal waking state of Beta level and fight flight mode, to Alpha and Theta levels, where relaxation and natural healing takes place. This type of relaxation can help reverse the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which makes Sound Healing a good therapy for releasing pain.


Sound therapy can be extremely soothing and bring you into a very deep state of relaxation akin to meditation, or even sleep, but it can also provoke a wide range of experiences. When we create space to become our own witness sometimes we encounter unresolved challenges, and sound therapy can assist in bringing some of this to the surface. You will be in a safe space for whatever experiences come through for you.

What can sound therapy do?

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